Do you guys are new in blog writing ? want some basic and starting tips how to start writing with better response from the audiences?  ok , so you are in the right place.

This article is a small but the basic tips for all the newbies who want to write but don’t know how to start and which topic to choose. some know what and how to write but they don’t have any idea that is their niche or keyword selection for the content writing is best or right or not?  if you are new then you are also facing the same problem. Don’t worry its common to every fresh head. Now coming to topic , first of all if you are ready to write and give your new blog a great content with best response of traffic then you have to know the powerful tool in the internet world i.e., the SEO or search engine optimization that describes the process of high-ranking in the search engine. SEO expert’s helps increases a company’s profitability and marketability with various tactics and carries out a good business profit to every company. Search engine optimization (SEO) is mainly the method of improving the volume, popularity, Page rank and quality of visitors to your blog or website from search engines like Google, Yahoo, bing and MSN, via natural search results.

There are numerous tactics used by SEO for the local search rankings but among these the best SEO tactics are:

1.  Keyword research – it is an essential service in search marketing. Every local target market of a local business has its own local keywords. Though anyone has well keyword optimization but without the right keyword research, the page will not still gain an impressive conversion rate on the search engine. you must be aware that your keyword should be in high search and of low competition. For best result Google keyword tools is your great solution.

2. Feed publishing– one should host a new feed containing original news articles. Google and Bing Crawl news feed pages and publish articles on SERPs when ever people search using the appropriate keywords the article will be found.

3. Blog creation– Google places great value on blog content. Having multiple blogs will boost anyone’s SEO. Google map is also great as customers are usually more likely to click on a map listing than a backlink to a website.

4. Share product data – Google, Yahoo and Bing makes easier to upload the product databases to their comparison engines, so no one has to wait for them to crawl product pages.

5. Video promotion – By publishing video screenshots on SERPs, Google attracts the customers to video listings,  one should Create videos that promote their services, and make use of YouTube uploads, video XML feeds and video meta tag optimization .All these tactics will surely boost up the ranking.

6.Social networking– Today the world is totally based on this platform. almost every web marketing and business is nothing without social networking sites. you must share and update you statistics, product, content and plan of your site with the Facebook, twitter,linkedin, flicker and many other high traffic social websites. this tactics will boom your business and you will get the whale traffic and visitor for your website…..

stay connected. cheers… 🙂